I used to fail at blogging. I would start one, write one or two, and forget about it...and get jealous
every time a friend sends a blog link, start another one and forget about it again in no time....have to thank James and Evita for the successful survival of Noah the Milk Junkie...if it wasn't that I could steal pictures from their website(since Noah and
Yushi do everything together these days), I would never have any pictures to upload. Thanks to this diligent couple, I can record down Noah's growth and actually make blogging a habit that I quite religiously follow now.
The past couple weeks have been quite a challenge for Joe and I, mainly because I like to have everything under control, in MY control. This put on tremendous burden for both of us. If things don't go as the way I expected, planned, wished, I would freak out and eventually have a nervous breakdown or two. I HAD to learn to let go. And tonight,I came across Amy's website
http://higherthani.blogspot.com/2007/05/letting-go.html , where she posted the verse:
"I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow." 1 Corinthians 3:6-7I felt my heart watered, refreshed. God gave me an answer and was teaching me how to make things right. What I really want to say is, well, like blogging, I have to make clinging on to God a habit. He's the one that makes things grow. Another point is that I can never do this on my own as I am weak and lazy. Incredible thing is God has placed amazing people in my life who not only let me share
their pictures but also their love for God. With their help, I can probably make things right.