Today is 小茉莉's 2 years old birthday and 茉莉mama threw a baby afternoon tea party for the kids at a candy shop cafe. The theme suits 小茉莉 perfectly because she is the sweetest little girl. In a flash, these little tinies that we used to hold in our arms are boucing around with cupcakes in their hands and faces. Thank you for every sweet precious memory you are making for Noah and me!
We went to Ilan today because our cousin wanted to check out this hot spring that is famous for fishes that eat the dead skin off your feet. Mommy was too scared to try but Aunty Betty and Uncle Joe said it's very very ticklish!
This is when Noah was about 15 months old. He just started walking and speaking some words like papa, mama, hello. He loved imitating having phone conversation and saying "errooo!".
This is our favorite cafe...during the week, I usually put Noah in the car when he seems like he's ready for his nap...and on our drive to the Tully's, he'd fall asleep and I can enjoy a nice nearly two hours break for myself, reading, using computer, or just daydreaming. My favorite drink: Chai cider.
Before heading out to the Chu's for Thanksgiving dinner, we went for a little walk at Yarrow Point's Morningside Park. It felt a little surreal because no-one was driving on the streets and all the stores were closed. Obviously, this was my first Thankgiving in the States in a while...I can't wait for the hot pot at Christine and Julius'!
Many part of Seattle is surrounded by water. Medina is one of them. We live about 10 minutes from this area and today we had our lunch here. But it's really getting too cold! (the white building on the right is a police station!)