Hunting for good Mexican burritos...
Ganma, Mommie, and I came to Dan Sui, hearing about a little stand on Lao-jie that sells pretty decent Mexican food. After taking the wrong MRT, maneuvering through the overwhelming wkend crowds, we finally found the little Mexican stand among the busy crowded alley. The food was absolutely worth the trip but it was an interesting experience eating it with the company of stinky tofu aroma that kept coming from the stand next door.
Standing up on my own
Noah's walking is improving day by day. Less wobbly, longer steps. This week, he also learned to stand up on his own, and he's getting better and quicker at it every time he tries. So fun to watch him figures things out on his own.
Potty Time
While it's recommended that the best time to start potty trainning is around 2yrs old. But we are starting early, as Noah seems to have a pretty good understanding of sitting on the orange seat means 'poopoo' time.
Little Afternoon Trip
難得的好天氣 阿公心血來潮說要帶我們出去走走 我們當然高興的跳上車出發!! 往陽明山俱樂部的一路上 梅花和櫻花讓平常綠油油的陽明山多了一點charm...
Everytime I come up to Yangming Shan, I find a new piece of treasure. Today I found Cafe de Montmartre. This cafe reminded me of the cafe in San Luis Obispo, California; a cozy living room setting surrounded by green and a river running next to it. This is what I love about Yangming Shan. I can always find something new and rewarding. We should definitely leverage our wonderful backyard.
Everytime I come up to Yangming Shan, I find a new piece of treasure. Today I found Cafe de Montmartre. This cafe reminded me of the cafe in San Luis Obispo, California; a cozy living room setting surrounded by green and a river running next to it. This is what I love about Yangming Shan. I can always find something new and rewarding. We should definitely leverage our wonderful backyard.
I got a haircut!
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